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1. What season is it?

2. Where is Calvin's father going?

3. Find the English sentence for "你將會對於你從來沒能享受如此美好的日子感到可惜。" and write it down.

4. Find the English sentence for "天哪,我應該會討厭養了一個像我這樣的小孩。" and write it down.

5. Find the English sentence for "你無法待在家享受真是可惜。" and write it down.

​6. Find the English sentence for "或許你會趕得及回到家看太陽下山...如果你還清醒的話。" and write it down.

7. Find the English sentence for "你最好是去上班。" and write it down.

8. Find the English sentence for "目前,有很多工作要完成。" and write it down.

9. Find the English sentence for "祝你長途塞車愉快。" and write it down.

10. What do you think about Calvin, the boy? Why?

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Kathy Wu @


Dunglung Elementary School 

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